The Inaccessible Boot Device error message is one of the most frustrating error messages on Windows 10. This error message generally appears due to hard drive errors, Windows Update glitches and combination of the corrupted system files including the registry keys. In this article, we are going to teach you how to solve this error. Let’s fix it!

Method 1: Uninstall the Corrupted or Problematic Updates
1.   First of all, all you need to do is boot your PC via the bootable USB drive. 
2.   Press on the Next button.
3.   Now you have to press the link named Repair your computer that is situated on the lower -right corner on the window.
4.   Press on the Troubleshoot option situated in the Advanced tab.
5.   Head to the Command Prompt via several options on the screen.
6.   Next, remove the SessionPending folder. 
7.   Now enter the reg load HKLM\temp c:\windows\system32\config\software command and then hit Enter key on your keyboard. 
8.   Then put in reg delete “HKLM\temp\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\SessionsPending”/v Exclusive and hit the Enter key. 
9.   Now copy and paste this reg unload HKLM\temp command and then tap the Enter button. 
10.         Now once all of the Registry Keys gets deleted, you have to enter the dism /image:C:\ /get-packages command.
11.         Now Hit the Enter key on your keyboard to apply the command.
12.         On Packages Listing, find the options that are named as Installed Pending since these pending files are causing the Inaccessible Boot Device error message on your system.
13.         What you need to do is once you find all of the pending updates, you need to cut and paste them into a separate folder so that you can keep them safe as well as check if they are causing the error message.
14.         After that head back to the Command Prompt and then enter the MKDIR C:\temp\packages command following by the Enter key.
15.         Next, copy and paste the dism /image:c:\ /remove-package /packagename:PACKAGE-IDENTITY-NAME /scratchdir:c:\temp\packages command into the Command Prompt and then hit Enter.
Now all problematic updates have removed successfully from your computer, and you need to reboot it for once to see the changes. In case the Inaccessible Boot Device appears again, follow the next method on your computer to make it disappear.
Method 2: Solving Inaccessible Boot Device Using SFC Scan
The Windows 10 comes up with a built-in system file checker aka SFC that can automatically find and fix the broken system files that are causing the Inaccessible Boot Device error on your system. See the instructions mentioned here to solve the error:
1.   On your Windows operating system, press the Windows logo key on your keyboard to trigger the Start menu.
2.   Enter CMD and then right-click on its icon.
3.   There is an option saying Run as administrator, so press on it.  
4.   Now you will see a small blank black colour window.
5.   Put in SFC /scannow and then tap the Enter key on your keyboard.
6.   Now the scan will begin automatically, and it will search the broken and corrupted system files that are making error codes and messages on your system. The process also solves the broken files, and it also creates necessary system files that are missing on your operating system.
7.   Once it gets finished, just reboot the computer to see the changes.
Method 3: Inspecting Hard Drive Issues
the Inaccessible Boot Device message sometimes also appears due to the errors on a hard drive, and you can easily check that via these instructions:
1.   Head to the Cortana search dialogue box.
2.   Put in cmd and then make a right-click on its icon.
3.   Prefer the Run as administrator option.
4.   Enter chkdsk /f and then tap on Enter from your keyboard. Now press the Y button. 
5.   Hit on the Enter key. 
6.   The Pc will reboot.  
7.   Now the process has been accomplished, and the Inaccessible Boot Device error code will be resolved.
Hey I am Alex Clara,  a certified technical professional for bitdefender with over five years of experience. If you face any issue regarding your then can help in all sorts of problem and get instant solution from bitdefender Experts in a small time period.


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